Model 1220


Humidity Generator by Thunder Scientific


The Model 1220  is a self contained system capable of producing atmospheres of known humidities using the fundamental, NIST proven, “two-pressure” principle. This system is capable of continuously supplying relative humidity, dew point, frost point, parts per million, or other calculated values for instrument calibration and evaluation as well as for precision environmental testing. This system will automatically generate manually entered humidity and temperature set points as well as user created multipoint profiles. All desired humidity’s, temperatures, flow rates, and time intervals may be programmed. The 1220 humidity generating system incorporates a test chamber, with internal dimensions of 8” x 8” x 8”. Test chamber pressure range is ambient. Access is available through one 1.875” diameter port located on the right side, for probes, cables, sample tubes. The test chamber accommodates various solid-state sensors, sensing systems, chilled-mirror hygrometers, as well as material samples for environmental testing. Virtually any humidity and temperature may be generated, for long periods of time, within the operational limits of the generator. The output or recording of the device under test may then be compared with the generator’s data for analysis.

Technical Informations

  • 0.6% of Reading RH Uncertainty 1
  • Traceable to SI 2
  • No Refrigerants - Thermoelectric Cooling/Heating
  • Based on NIST Proven "Two-Pressure" Principle
  • ControLog Embedded Automation Software
  • Automatically Applies Enhancement Factors
  • HumiCalc with Uncertainty Mathematical Engine
  • Generate: RH, DP, FP, PPM, Multipoint Profiles
  • Test Chamber 8" x 8" x 8"
  • Flow Capability of 20 L/min
  • Multi-point Touch Display
  • Window Door Option Available
1 Uncertainty is based on the worst-case value from the 1220 uncertainty analysis. 2 Traceable to the International System of Units (SI) through a national metrology institute (NIST) recognized through a CIPM MRA.


Accredited calibration of the humidity generator in accordance with QMV 7.2/22

Request Model 1220 now!