Proficiency testings are required by the Deutschen Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS) as part of an accreditation for calibration laboratories and represent an important element in ensuring the validity of results in the quality management of a laboratory operation.
We are accredited as a provider of proficiency testing in accordance with the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17043 standard and perform customized bilateral comparisons on request for almost all methods of the measurands temperature, humidity and pressure.
Subject area |
Measured variable Calibration object |
Conditions |
Proficieny testing program |
Temperature |
Standard platinum resistance thermometer |
at fixed points of ITS-90 |
Proficiency testing programs are carried out on request |
Direct reading thermometers |
Comparison method |
Thermometer characteristics |
Humidity |
relative humidity |
Comparison method |
Climate chambers |
absolute humidity |
Absolute method |
Pressure |
Absolut pressure/overpressure |
pressure medium gas und oil |

Proficiency tests can be requested at any time as bilateral comparisons and can be carried out at short notice. Interlaboratory comparisons with several participants are planned via proficiency testing programs and realized with the involvement of all participants concerned. Due to the high number of participating laboratories, the statistical basis of an interlaboratory comparison is even more meaningful than is possible with a bilateral comparison.
Looking for a calibration laboratory for interlaboratory comparison?
Then get in contact with us.

What are proficiency testings and according to which standard do they take place?
Learn more in the article from the DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle).