

Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer


Manufacturer: AccuMac

Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers (SPRTs) are used to interpolate temperature in the range from -189.3442°C to 660.323°C on the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). They are widely used as standard or reference thermometers to calibrate other thermometers and to measure temperature precisely in primary and secondary laboratories. AM1960 and AM1950 SPRTs are the crown jewels of AccuMac temperature probes. It’s taken decades of our scientific expertise and original craftsmanship to create these world class products. They fully meet the ITS-90 criteria for standard thermometers, while offering a very competitive price.

Both of our quartz-sheath SPRTs feature an extremely low drift rate. The sensing element and sensor support have been specially designed to reach the best performance in stability and repeatability. To protect the platinum sensing wire from contamination at high temperatures, all parts used in the thermometer are cleaned extremely well before assembly. The assembly process is well controlled to protect the sensor from any potential contamination. The gas mixture the thermometers are filled with makes the sensor wire oxidation effect as low as possible. Every SPRT is fully tested for stability after manufacture.

Technical information

Specification 1950
Temperature Range -200 °C to 500 °C
Resistance Ratio w(Ga) ≥ 1.11807 w(Hg) ≤ 0.844235
Long Term Drift at 0.01°C ± < 0.002 °C at TPW after 100 hours at 500°C, ± < 0.004 °C / year typical
Repeatability < 0.001 °C
Thermal Shock ± 0.001 °C after 10 thermal cyclen from minimum to maximum temperatures
Self-heating 0.0015 K at 1 mA current
Measurement Current 1 mA
Sensor Length 42 mm
Sheath Material Quartz
Insulation Resistance > 1000 MΩ at room temperature
Sheat Dimensions 7 mm (OD) x 480 mm (L)
Termination Gold-plated Spade
External Leads Insulated copper wire, 4 leads, 2.5 meters
Handle Dimensions Ø 21 mm x L 80 mm
Case Wooden carrying case for 20" probe (included
Accredited calibration (optional) Accredited calibration according to ISO 17025 at fixed points

Additional information

  • Affordable primary standards
  • Extremely low drift rate
  • Fully meets the ITS-90 criteria for standard thermometers
  • Temperature Range: -200°C to 500°C


Art.-No. ISO-17025 Accredited Calibration
5001 Range: 0 °C to 500 °C Fixed points: triple point of water, freezing point of tin, freezing point of zinc
5003 Range: -39 °C to 30 °C Fixed points: triple point of water, triple point of mercury, melting point of gallium
5004 Range: 0 °C to -100 °C Fixed points: triple point of water, triple point of mercury, -100 °C (U = 5 mK)
5005 Range: 0 °C to -196 °C Fixed points: triple point of water, triple point of mercury, triple point of argon, -196 °C (U = 15 mK)
For further details, see accreditation certificate.

Request AM1950 now!